Valikko Sulje

Luffy-FM Fusion Night Vision/Thermal Monocular

7 900,00 

The Luffy-FM Fusion Night Vision Tactical Monocular combines I² and thermal imaging technologies. The Luffy-FM bi-spectrum monocular is a device that can observe and search targets at night, in darkness, under extreme environments such as smoke, fog, rain, snow, etc. It can be widely applied to scenarios including patrol, search and rescue, drug interdiction, and suspect apprehension. Due to its waterproof capability the device performs well even in severe weather conditions and challenging environments.

The Luffy-FM is outfitted with a high performance NNVT intensifier tube (IIT) and 12µm high-sensitivity thermal detector with 640×512 resolution. The Luffy-FM can be used as hand-held device or mounted on a helmet. The user-friendly interface, comfortable and ergonomic operating controls makes adoption and application of the device incredibly simple.

The device offers different variants of image view: thermal, I² night vision, and enhanced fusion image that can be easily adapted depending on different environmental conditions. The Luffy-FMis also equipped with manual gain control, which adjusts the image brightness, providing the highest possible image quality even in changing light conditions. As a standard, the Luffy-FM comes with NNVT FOM 1400+ WP image tubes, other tubes can be installed on request.

The monocular uses two 18650 rechargeable Lithium battery in the external holder for up to 8-hours of operating time in fusion image mode. In I² night vision mode device can run more then 60 hours.

  • Bi-spectrum image fusion and object highlight
  • Detail enhancement and target recognition
  • Selection of thermal view channel, I2 night vision channel, or both them combined with multiple fusion modes switchable
  • 12 µm, 640×512 high-sensitivity thermal detector
  • Digital zoom in thermal channel
  • Azimuth and Pitch/Inclination Indication
  • Built-in compass with calibration
  • Brightness and contrast image adjustment
  • Extra large exit pupil diameter (15mm)
  • Low cower consumption. Up to 8 hours continuous running in fusion mode and more then 60 hours operation in I2 night vision mode
  • Aviation plug for external power supply and video output
  • Waterproof
  • 2 Years Warranty


  • Thermal Detector 12um
  • Thermal Wavelength 8um to 14um
  • Thermal FOV 25.8 x 19.1
  • Digital Zoom (thermal overlay) 1-8x
  • Detection Range 1500m
  • Colour Palettes White hot, Black hot, Red Hot, Outline, Highlight
  • Diopter -3.5 to +2.5
  • Eye Relief 25mm
  • IR illuminator Onboard
  • Waterproof IP67
  • Dimensions 3.9×2.8×3.4 in
  • Weight 380g